European College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists


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William Beltran Biography

A graduate from the National Veterinary College of Alfort (Paris, France) William Beltran is the Corinne and Henry Bower endowed Professor of Ophthalmology and Director of the Division of Experimental Retinal Therapies (ExpeRTs) at the School of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Pennsylvania (USA). After completing in 2000 an ECVO residency at the National Veterinary College of Alfort, he earned a PhD in Comparative Biomedical Sciences from Cornell University (USA) in 2006. He then joined the faculty of the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania where he practices ophthalmology at the School’s Veterinary Teaching Hospital and heads a research laboratory in the field of inherited retinal degenerative diseases. Dr. Beltran’s research is focused on examining the cellular and molecular mechanisms of photoreceptor death in canine models of retinal degeneration, and developing novel therapeutic approaches aimed at curing or slowing the progression of this group of diseases. Research currently conducted in his laboratory has led to development of gene therapies for five inherited retinal diseases including the most common forms of X-linked and autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa in man, conditions that are similar to Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) in animals. Dr. Beltran’s interests also include development and evaluation of novel therapeutic approaches such as neuroprotection, optogenetics, and stem cell therapies that could be used to treat dogs and human patients with inherited retinal blindness. Dr. Beltran is an elected member of the National Academy of Medicine (USA) and of the French Academy of veterinary Medicine. Dr. Beltran is the chair of the ECVO’s scientific committee and past member and Chair of the ECVO's Education and Residency Committee.

William Beltran Contact Details

  • Full Name: William Beltran
  • Title: Professor of Ophthalmology
  • Institution: School of Veterinary Medicine - University of Pennsylvania
  • Department: Clinical Sciences & Advanced Medicine
  • Sub Department: Division of Experimental retinal Therapies
  • Street Address: 3900 Delancey Street
  • City: Philadelphia
  • Country: United States of America
  • County/State: Pennsylvania
  • ZIP-Code: 19104
  • Telephone: 1 (0)215 898 4692
  • FAX: 1 (0)2155 732162
  • Email: Not shown officially.
  • Second Email: Not shown officially.
  • Employment: academia
  • Specialist Title: veterinary ophthalmology

William Beltran Status

  • Name: William Beltran
  • College Role: Active
  • College Role Since: 2003-01-01
  • Year of last re-evaluation: 2023
  • Next re-evaluation: 2028