European College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists


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Kristina Narfström Wiechel Biography

As an endowed Professor Emerita of Veterinary Ophthalmology at the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Missouri, USA, with adjunct professorships at the School of Engineering and at the Mason Eye Institute, both at the University of Missouri, my main focus was on research (90%) and teaching (10%). My laboratory was active mainly in collaborative and comparative research utilizing dog and cat animal models for human retinal degenerative diseases. Thus, I discovered and characterized retinal disease processes in dogs and cats and focused on various treatment strategies for these diseases. Teaching activities for residents and graduate students mainly concerned the following fields: retinal physiology, electrophysiology, morphology and clinical disease processes. Also, during my active time at the University of MO, I lectured at the biannual Basic Science Course in North Carolina and in Wisconsin USA and in a biannual course in Ophthalmology in Barcelona, Spain. I was invited speaker to various meetings and congresses on a world-wide basis, latest years in my career in Italy, South Korea, Australia and USA among other countries. Since 2010 I’m back in Sweden and involved in teaching endeavors, on a private basis, evaluating canine and feline patients together with an aspirant with focus on specialization in the field of Veterinary Ophthalmology.

Kristina Narfström Wiechel Contact Details

  • Full Name: Kristina Narfström Wiechel
  • Title: Dr. Professor Emerita
  • Institution: Djurakuten Animal Hospital
  • Street Address: Marinstadsvägen 3
  • City: Nacka
  • Country: Sweden
  • ZIP-Code: 13137
  • Telephone: +46 70 1759095
  • Email: Not shown officially.
  • Second Email: Not shown officially.
  • Employment: practice
  • Specialist Title: veterinary ophthalmology

Kristina Narfström Wiechel Status

  • Name: Kristina Narfström Wiechel
  • College Role: Active
  • College Role Since: 1992-01-01
  • Year of last re-evaluation: 2023
  • Next re-evaluation: 2028